How-To B-Boy: Break Advice (Season 1)

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Check out this online breaking school, featuring some of the world’s best B-Boys, including the Red Bull BC One All Stars. Each element of the dance is broken down in these online tutorials, from toprock and downrock, to tricks, transitions and power moves. Watch and learn as these international champions discuss techniques, personal styles, training tips, how to behave in battles and so much more. Season One of Three, featuring top B-Boys Bootuz, Yan, Robin and more.

Break Advice - Lesson 1: Cross Step 

Break Advice - Lesson 2: Original Go Downs

Break Advice - Lesson 3: Footwork Variation

Break Advice - Lesson 4: Swipes Variations

Break Advice - Lesson 5: Basketball Steps

Break Advice - Lesson 6: Hook & Monkey Swing

Break Advice - Lesson 7: Double Turn

Break Advice - Lesson 8: One-Handed Freeze 

Break Advice - Lesson 9: Four Step, Switch & Ninja 

Break Advice - Lesson 10: Front Sweep & Corkscrew

Break Advice - Lesson 11: Air Flare

Break Advice - Lesson 12: Flare

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